Tuesday, October 13, 2009

the coldest winter ever

The Coldest Winter Ever is a book that I love to read because it has a lot of drama. I like the book because it tells the hole story about the girl and the boy that she likes. The girl Winter likes a boy named Midnight and she moves to Long Island. Then, her friend talks to the boy named Midnight. When Winter comes to Brooklyn to stay at her aunt's house she hears that the girl talks to Midnight. That is when Winter starts to go hard on the girl because she talks to Midnight and she says that Midnight is her future husband. When Winter hears that her best friend goes out with Midnight, it breaks up their friendship. The girl Winter likes the boy Midnight a lot. She goes out her way to do anything that makes her get closer to the boy that she admires. She makes sure that girl won't end up with the boy of her dreams.. Winter also wants to move back to Brooklyn. Her friends that she has know for a long time all live in Brooklyn. She also wants to return to the only boy of her dreams.

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